Our Mission

EnLevo's mission is to create sustainable change in underserved communities through our Sustainable Lives program, which focuses on Health, Education, Financial Stability, and Community. By implementing community-centered and practical solutions, we empower individuals and families to break the cycle of poverty and achieve self-reliance. Through compassionate service, collaborative partnerships, and initiatives tailored to each community's unique needs, we foster a future of hope, dignity, and opportunity, ensuring long-term, impactful change for those we serve.

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Our Sustainable Lives Program helps to change lives - Families in Action


Active participation within the community is vital for fostering family happiness and ensuring long-term sustainability in Guatemala, thus community is an integral aspect of the Sustainable Lives Program.


Education serves as the gateway to opportunities and enduring transformation for families residing in impoverished regions of Guatemala. This crucial component forms an integral part of the EnLevo Sustainable Lives Program

Financial Stability

Enhancing family livelihoods and living standards is closely linked to the capacity to generate income. Through the Sustainable Lives program, we advocate for avenues that lead to increased earnings, such as crop diversification and various vocational opportunities.


In Guatemala, the significance of health and personal hygiene is sometimes underestimated by families. However, these crucial aspects are prioritized within the Sustainable Lives Program provided by EnLevo.