Jungle Fires Rage On: A Race Against Time

Cahabon, Guatemala, where EnLeov is currently doing humanitarian work, is facing an unprecedented drought. In the past 5 months, they have only had rain on two days. The once-lush jungle is now dry and fires are raging on the steep mountain slopes, threatening homes and villages and destroying crops. The air here is thick with smoke. Volunteers are fighting the fires in the heat as temperatures rise to 15+ above normal. Monday the...

Time. Many times when we think of volunteering or service, we think we need to do big or hard things like build a school/building, painting a building, moving dirt, digging a well, anything to do with “sweating”. I disagree. I truly feel like one of the most important, if not the most important, things we can do when volunteering is giving of our time.
Just like any other child, time is what these sweet girls want. I love visiting the remote...

Market day. The sights, smells, sounds, colors, and people make market one of my favorite places to be on Wednesday or Saturday mornings. Twice a week the main roads in Cahabon are transformed into a magical place. Many people travel long distances by foot, tuk tuk, or cattle truck to sell or buy things at market. The people in one village leave at 1:00 AM to walk three hours to a road and then board a cattle truck to travel...