nursery-newsmall1727455318.jpgFrom Dirt to Dreams: EnLevo’s Nursery

Imagine farmers in rural Guatemala breaking free from poverty, providing for their families, and thriving through new opportunities. This dream is becoming a reality with EnLevo’s partnership with international companies and a donation of 25,000 plants. It’s not just about planting—it’s about growing hope, independence, and a sustainable future for entire communities.

In preparation, EnLevo created a nursery in one village, complete with sprinklers, sunlight protection, and barriers to keep animals out. It was a true team effort! Volunteers and villagers filled 30,000 soil bags by hand, with women in their traditional skirts sitting in the dirt, laughing and working together. The community spirit was palpable.

The journey wasn’t smooth. The donated plants, arriving from Costa Rica, sat in customs for a week, and we lost one-third of them. But the EnLevo team didn’t give up. We nurtured the remaining plants back to life, and they thrived in the nursery, growing strong under our watchful care. Now, they’re being transplanted into villages, ready to transform lives.

nursery-plants-small1727455321.jpgThis isn’t just another project—it’s a chance to create lasting change. As these plants take root, farmers gain a sustainable income and hope for the future. Will you be part of this journey? Together, we can cultivate a brighter tomorrow for the communities of Guatemala. to learn how you can help!

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