In the heart of the lush, remote villages of Cahabon, Guatemala, there lies a dietary paradox as stark as it is troubling. Picture a table, adorned with corn and more corn - from tortillas at breakfast to tortillas and corn drink at dinner. Corn is not just a staple; it's a way of life. But while corn may be a symbol of sustenance, it also casts a long shadow of malnutrition across the land.

In these quaint...

Today I visited three villages, with Bob, as he presented a workshop on Soil Rebuilding and Corn Production. Farmers from Cerro Alto, Chajbelen and Cerro Lindo gathered to learn more about the soils in their area, and how to increase their corn production.

Each village will be planting a Demonstration Plot next week, in their village area. Bob had previously collected soil that he sent in for soil tests. He was able to share that information, and...