A New Way to Farm - Food Forests

In the remote villages of Cahabon, Guatemala, families rely heavily on corn as their primary food source. Corn is everywhere—morning, noon, and night—but this over-dependence has led to severe malnutrition. Imagine eating the same meal every day, and still not getting the nutrients you need. This is the stark reality for these communities, but change is on the horizon.

EnLevo, an organization dedicated to making an impact, has stepped in to address this crisis. Partnering with Brazilian professor Marcelo, they’re implementing “food forests”—a system of planting diverse native plants that mimics natural ecosystems. These forests provide vital nutrients missing from corn-only diets, offering a sustainable way to fight malnutrition.

The plan is already in motion, with food forests being planted in four villages. Each plot will support up to five families, offering them a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This project is more than just planting seeds; it’s planting hope and nourishment for generations to come.

Now is the time to act. Join us in supporting this transformative project that will provide lasting change. Your help can ensure that more families in Cahabon have access to nutritious food, empowering them to thrive. Together, we can create a healthier, brighter future for those who need it most.

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