Jungle Fires Rage On: A Race Against Time

Jungle Fires Rage On: A Race Against Time

Cahabon, Guatemala, where EnLeov is currently doing humanitarian work, is facing an unprecedented drought. In the past 5 months, they have only had rain on two days. The once-lush jungle is now dry and fires are raging on the steep mountain slopes, threatening homes and villages and destroying crops. The air here is thick with smoke. Volunteers are fighting the fires in the heat as temperatures rise to 15+ above normal. Monday the temperature was 103 degrees but with the humidity it felt like 115.
Local volunteers are pumping water into large buckets that helicopters are then dropping on the fires, while other volunteers are strapping sprayers filled with water to their backs and hiking up the mountains to douse the flames. Even schools are affected, with teachers stepping in to help fight the fires. Our team has helped with the efforts and we have visited many areas where the fires are and donated drinks and water to help the volunteers.

The EnLeov volunteer home is in the municipality and not near the fires, but we work closely with several of the villages in the path of the fires. Our friends here need your prayers for rain to bring relief to this community.

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