There are many times we get overwhelmed with all we are doing in Guatemala. This past month we have had several huge projects we are working on. One big project is a solution to remote learning. Many of the villages we work with do not have schools and over 60% of the people (especially adults) in the villages cannot read or write. EnLevo is working on changing that. A few months ago we decided to create an interactive app that can be used on tablets to help with remote learning. Within a few days we had created an extensive requirements list of what we needed in the app. Since then we have had developers working round the clock on developing the app. The learning app has the ability to provide curriculum lessons in the national language as well as a native language. Each lesson will have a video and activities, such as tracing letters, letter recognition, matching letters, letter sounds, and more. For Cahabon Guatemala we will have lessons in Spanish and in Q’eqchi. This past week we worked on video taping and editing the first lessons (in Spanish) that will be put on the app. Loraine from Conalfa was a natural in front of the camera. We then uploaded the lesson and activities. Even though it can seem overwhelming with all we are working on, being able to see the app development happening is very rewarding. There is still a lot of development that needs to happen, but we will be putting the app in front our first group of beta testers on Sunday!!